Deepbridge Capital LLP Complaints Procedure
1. Deepbridge’s Approach To Complaints Management
Deepbridge is committed to providing the highest levels of customer service, ensuring customers are treated fairly at all times. We aim to respond to all complaints in a prompt, consistent and fair manner. All complaints are logged and tracked from receipt through to resolution. Senior Management regularly review complaints data and execute ‘root-cause’ analysis to ensure any recurring trends are identified and addressed to prevent recurrence.
2. Deepbridge’s Complaints Handling Process
We regard any expression of dissatisfaction from or on behalf of any client to be a complaint irrespective of whether it is made orally or in writing or whether it is justified or not. We will provide a copy of this procedure to any client who makes a complaint or to any client who requests it.
On receipt of a complaint from any source we will pass the details to our Complaints Investigation Officer for acknowledging and further investigation.
We regard a complaint as: -
- An expression of dissatisfaction from an eligible complainant i.e. a private individual or proprietor of a small business.
- Relating to a regulated activity.
- A client who has or may suffer financial loss material distress or significant inconvenience.
- A matter that could not be resolved by an apology on the day following notification.
All complaints are treated and recorded in the same way.
We acknowledge all complaints promptly, within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint.
If we receive an oral complaint we will refer in our letter of acknowledgement to the matter complained of and detail our understanding of this for you to confirm the accuracy of this.
If your complaint relates to a product or service that our firm arranged for you, but the matter is the responsibility of the product or service provider rather than our firm, we will refer the matter to the product or service provider fairly and promptly, within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint and write to you to confirm this, together with contact details for the product or service provider concerned.
Where it is not possible to extend an offer to settle and the matter is subject to further investigation then we will keep you reasonably informed. Where we are not able to make an offer to settle and further investigation is necessary, we will give you a full explanation.
Our nominated Complaints Investigation Officer will review the details surrounding the matter complained about and will examine the file and any other relevant information. If the complaint is in respect of business arranged by our Complaints Investigation Officer then the matter will be investigated by another senior employee within our Group of Companies.
Once the investigation is completed then our Complaints Investigation Officer will write to you with our appraisal of the matter, our final decision and the nature and terms of any settlement, if applicable. If we decide an offer of redress is appropriate, any compensation we offer will be a fair offer taking all the facts into account.
If we are not in a position to provide a final decision within 8 weeks following your initial complaint we will write again:
- Setting out why the matter is still unresolved;
- Giving you a summary of our investigation to date and explaining why we have not been able to conclude the matter;
- Advising you that you may now be able to take the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
If you are advised that we have concluded the matter and you are not satisfied with our final response, you may be able to take the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) but you must do this within 6 months of the date of our final response or you may lose your right to do so.
If we write to you and you do not respond within 8 weeks to our “settlement letter” we will treat the matter as closed.
Please be assured that we treat all complaints very seriously and we will conduct a full review and conclude all matters to the mutual satisfaction of the parties as quickly as possible maintaining appropriate records at all times.
3. The Financial Ombudsman Service
If we can’t resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you may have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. They can give you more information about the types of complaint they can help with. To view the Consumer Leaflet issued by the Financial Ombudsman, please visit Should you wish to receive a hard copy of this Leaflet, please contact us directly.
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower,
Harbour Exchange
London E14 9SR.
Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 (call rates may vary).
mail: or visit