Keep up to date with what is going on at Deepbridge, our investee companies and other exciting news.

IHT Receipits Hit £5.3 Billion
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) recorded a £700 Million uptick in Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts between April and December last year, totalling £5.3…
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Deepbridge Appoints New Senior Investment Director
Deepbridge are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Andy Round, as Senior Investment Director, within the Deepbridge Life Sciences EIS team.…
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MedTech Trends in 2023
Bernard Ross, CEO and Founder of Sky Medical Technology Ltd. has recently been featured in a Med-Tech News article regarding what he expects from the…
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Microplate DX Secures £500k Funding
Award-winning University of Strathclye spinout company, Microplate Dx Limited has recently secured significant seed funding to scale-up development…
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Liverpool Chirochem Secures £2.2m Investment
Liverpool ChiroChem Ltd. (LCC), an investee company within Deepbridge Capital's Life Science EIS fund, has recently raised £2.2 million of investment…
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Top 5 Considerations for IFAs
Andrew Aldridge, Partner & Chief Marketing Officer at Deepbridge Capital, was recently featured in an article in IFA Magazine regarding his top 5…
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Smallspark Secures Contract from Ministry of Defence
SmallSpark Space Systems, an award-winning rocket propulsion innovation company which is part of the Deepbridge Technology Growth EIS fund, has…
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Zilico Wins Business Innovation Award
Zilico Ltd, which is part of the Deepbridge Life Sciences EIS fund, has recently received a Business Innovation Award for using bioelectrical…
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Bank Of England Lifts Uk Rates To 3%
The Bank of England has announced that the Monetary Policy Comittee (MPC) has agreed to increase UK base rates from 2.25% to 3% as the fight against…
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Inflation Returns To 40 Year High
For the second time this year, UK inflation has hit double digits and investors are waiting to see how bold the Bank of England's next move will be…
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A Letter From Deepbridge Capital To Our New Prime Minister Liz Truss
Deepbridge Capital's Andrew Aldridge, Partner & Chief of Marketing has recently been featured in IFA Magazine with his letter to…
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